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God's Plan

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • South Korea has established global recognition through K-culture and has begun to achieve results in the field of science.
  • The creativity and progressiveness of Koreans are recognized worldwide, stemming from their unique temperament formed through the long history and hardships of the Korean people.
  • The Cham-gil community should utilize the capabilities of Koreans to fulfill God's will, and live a life that influences others positively by exercising their creativity and spirit of challenge.

Gratitude and repentance for choosing the Korean people

l The Status of Korean Culture and Science

  • Four Korean scientists evaluated as 0.01% of the world, like a pinhole. Nature, Korea is the only country that has raised its science level this much in such a short time.

Since the 21st century, South Korea has begun to receive treatment as a developed country due to its remarkable economic growth. This economic growth has led to the creation of the 'K-culture' brand in the cultural sector. And continuously created 'k-pop', 'k-drama', 'k-beauty', and 'k-food' brands.

'K-culture' has made South Korea and Korean people stand tall in the world, starting with the attention of people all over the world through COVID-19 prevention.

Now it's the turn of science. South Korea has needed economic growth since the 1960s. It has focused on investment in manufacturing industries such as heavy chemicals and steel under government leadership, and applied science has been realistic and prioritized. Therefore, while neighboring Japan has dozens of Nobel laureates in science, South Korea has none, which is a great pity.

Nobel prizes can only come from the field of basic science. Since the core of all fields comes from the most basic theory, results need to come out of this field so that we can receive the Nobel Prize for our contribution to the world later on. In Japan, the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research has produced countless Nobel laureates. This research institute has been receiving focused support from the Japanese government since the early 20th century, and since then, scientists have begun to produce consistent experimental results, leading to Japanese scientists standing out as the only Nobel laureates or candidates.

South Korea also began government investment in basic fields in the 1980s, and now outstanding basic scientists are slowly emerging worldwide. It is speculated that more Nobel laureates or scientists on par with them will emerge in the future.

This change can be thought of from a spiritual perspective. Perhaps God will use the Korean people, who have suffered countless hardships, to fulfill His plan from now on? This can be speculated from the fact that the Korean church has sent many missionaries to the world for a long time.

At this time, the children of the Lord should be awake and live a life of obedience according to the Lord's word. Economic growth, like the worship of the 'Baal' god that seeks wealth, can easily fuel human greed, ultimately corrupting the church and hastening its path to destruction. This is having a direct impact on Korean society.

When God created this world and humans, He clothed them with His holiness, but when they left God, human-centered life is a series of hardships, and history tells us that it is a life that wanders in darkness.

Therefore, humanity must thoroughly repent for its sin of departing from God and polluting nature and the earth. It seems like the children of the Lord should take the lead in this.

l Glimpse into the Capacity of Koreans

The world's first-ever, top-notch 'K-Culture' combining convention, content, and concert, a relentless driving force sweeping the world culture. Where was Korea 20 years ago? The reversal of Italy.

This capacity comes from the individuality and creativity of Koreans. People involved in film in Florence, Italy, have praised Koreans' aggressive spirit of progress and experimentation. This capacity comes from the nature of the Korean people, and its legacy is formed by the Korean people's genes and the environment in which they have lived in each era.

However, we should think about why the Korean people have survived for five thousand years, despite being trapped in the Korean Peninsula after the Three Kingdoms period and suffering through various hardships, even though they lost their country to neighboring China and Japan.

God called the Hebrew people out of Egypt to form one nation, made them His people, gave them the law, and sent Jesus to give them the opportunity of salvation, but the nation completely disappeared around the 6th century BC, and they lived as 'diaspora' scattered throughout various nations until the early 20th century. After World War II, they established the state of Israel with the help of Great Britain and the United States. The Jewish people were chosen by God, but they disobeyed God's law and ironically suffered the most severe consequences of any nation in the world.

Therefore, I wonder if the Lord has been watching the Korean people other than the Jewish people. The individuals or nations that God uses must go through many trials or tribulations in order to have the mindset to listen to His will and obey Him. The Korean people are a nation that has suffered hardship and sorrow under the Goryeo Dynasty, the Joseon Dynasty, and Japanese rule.

Of course, the governing ideology of the Dangun era, Hongik Ingan (to benefit all humanity), is similar to the Lord's second commandment, 'Love your neighbor,' and they have suffered for a long time surrounded by surrounding powers like the Jewish people, so He must have been paying close attention to them.

So, what kind of life attitude should the children of the True Way community, as descendants of the Korean people in this age, have?

In a superficial way, because you were given free will, each of you has been struggling in your own families, schools, and workplaces. However, creativity and your own unique individuality are necessary to exert your abilities in an organization. Why we can see that the 'K-culture' brand has become the center of attention for people all over the world, and they are trying to feel the depth of Korean culture through efforts such as learning Korean themselves in order to follow it.

The Lord must have given this characteristic as a gift so that the Korean people could be used for good in the world.

  • "God bless our country" Heaven-sent help and the retribution of history - YouTube

Therefore, the children of the True Way community, who are faithful children of the Lord, will discover this creativity, aggressive spirit, and challenging experimental spirit within themselves as they seek, search, and knock, and they can use it.

With this content as a banner, the truth of the Word will be firmly rooted in the field of your heart, and you will exert a good influence on those around you in school, at work, and in society.

In the future, may the children of the 'True Way' who obey the Lord's word and fulfill His will live a life of witnessing the Lord from generation to generation, and may they be blessed by the Lord.

Lord, fulfill Your will through the children of the True Way.

I pray in the name of Jesus.

2024. 2. 7 True Way

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